个人简历2021- 厦门大学化学化工学院,教授、博导、课题组长2018-2021 美国伊利诺伊大学香槟分校,研究员(Research Scientist,合作导师:赵惠民教授)2017-2021 美国ESTose Biorenewables初创公司,联合创始人、研发主任2013-2018 美国爱荷华州立大学,博士后(合作导师:邵增怡教授)2011-2013 中科院天津工业生物技术研究所, 助理研究员(合作导师:孙际宾研究员)2006-2011 南开大学,博士(导师:宋存江教授、李后魂教授)2002-2006 烟台大学,本科(导师:王敏强教授)目前学术兼职:Biotechnology Reports主编,Biotechnology for Biofuels, Microbial Cell Factories, Journal of Applied Microbiology, BMC Microbiology, BMC Biotechnology等杂志副主编;智利国家科学技术发展基金(FONDECYT)评审专家。研究方向合成生物学,代谢工程,基因编辑,酶工程承担的课题:1. Center for Advanced Biofuels and Bioproducts Innovation (DE-SC0018420),DOE,$115M, 2018-2022 (参与)2. Exploring nucleosome-depleted sequences for novel applications in synthetic biology (1749782), NSF Career Award, $551K, 2018-2023 (参与)3. Unraveling core design principles to explore the world of nonconventional yeasts (1716837), NSF, $600K, 2017-2020 (参与)4. Designing fatty acid sensors for high throughput product profiling, Industry Seed Fund, $100K, 2014-2016 (参与)5. 门多萨假单胞菌NK-01合成褐藻寡糖和中长链聚羟基脂肪酸酯的代谢途径改造, 国家自然基金面上, 33万, 2011-2013 (参与)近期主要代表论著:1. C. Lopez, M. Cao*, Z. Yao, Z. Shao*. Revisiting the unique structure of autonomously replicating sequences in Yarrowia lipolytica and its role in pathway engineering. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 2021, https://doi.org/10.1007/s00253-021-11399-42. T. Wang*, B. Si, Z. Gong, Y. Zhai, M. Cao*, C. Peng. Co-hydrothermal carbonization of food waste-woody biomass blend: interaction effects on the hydrochar properties and nutrients characteristics. Bioresource Technology, 2020, 316: 1239003. M. Cao#, V. Tran#, H. Zhao. Unlocking nature’s biosynthetic potential by directed genome evolution. Current Opinion in Biotechnology, 2020, 66: 95-1044. Y. Zhao,Z. Yao,D. Ploessl,M. Monti, D. Schindler, M. Gao, Y. Cai, M. Qiao, C. Yang*, M. Cao*, Z. Shao*. Leveraging the Hermes transposon to accelerate the development of nonconventional yeast-based microbial cell factories. ACS Synthetic Biology, 2020, 9(7): 1736-17525. M. Cao#, Z. Fatma#, X. Song, P. Hsieh, V. Tran, W. Lyon, M. Sayadi, Z. Shao, Y. Yoshikuni, H. Zhao. A genetic toolbox for metabolic engineering of Issatchenkia orientalis. Metabolic Engineering, 2020, 59: 87-976. M. Cao#, M. Gao#, M. Suástegui, Y. Mei, Z. Shao. Building microbial factories for the production of aromatic amino acid pathway derivatives: from commodity chemicals to plant-sourced natural products. Metabolic Engineering. 2020, 58: 94-1327. J. Lian#, C. Schultz#, M. Cao#, M. HamediRad#, H. Zhao. Multi-functional genome-wide CRISPR system for high throughput genotype-phenotype mapping, Nature Communications. 2019, 10:57948. V. Tran#, M. Cao#, Z. Fatma, X. Song, H. Zhao. Development of a CRISPR/Cas9-based tool for gene deletion in Issatchenkia orientalis. mSphere. 2019, 4(3): e00345-199. M. Cao, M. Gao, D. Ploessl, Z. Shao. CRISPR-mediated genome editing and gene repression in Scheffersomyces stipitis. Biotechnology Journal.2018, 13, 170059810. M. Cao#, J. Feng#, S. Sirisansaneeyakul, C. Song, Y. Chisti. Genetic and metabolic engineering for microbial production of poly-γ-glutamic acid. Biotechnology Advances, 2018, 36: 1424-143311. M. Cao, A. Seetharam, A. Severin, Z. Shao. Rapid isolation of centromeres from Scheffersomyces stipitis. ACS Synthetic Biology, 2017, 6(11), 2028-203412. M. Cao, M. Gao, C. Lopez-Garcia, Y. Wu, A. Seetharam, A. Severin, Z. Shao. Centromeric DNA facilitates nonconventional yeast genetic engineering. ACS Synthetic Biology, 2017, 6(8): 1545-155313. D. Ploessl, Y. Zhao, M. Cao, S. Ghosh, C Lopez-Garcia, M. Sayadi, S Chudalayandi, A. Severin, L. Huang, M. Gustafson, Z. Shao. A repackaged CRISPR platform unlocks the utility of non-homologous end joining in microbial factory engineering. Nature Chemical Biology. 2021, Accepted14. Y. Wang#, P. Xue#, M. Cao, T. Yu, S. Lane, H. Zhao. Directed Evolution: Methodologies and Applications. Chemical Reviews. 2021, https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.chemrev.1c0026015. J. Feng, J. Zhang, Y. Ma, Y. Feng, S. Wang, N. Guo, H. Wang, P. Wang, P. Jiménez-Bonilla, Y. Gu, J. Zhou, Z. Zhang, M. Cao, D. Jiang, S. Wang, X. Liu, Z. Shao, I. Borovok, H. Huang, Y. Wang. Renewable fatty acid ester production in Clostridium. Nature Communications. 2021, 12:4368授权专利:1. H. Zhao, M. Cao, V. Tran, Z. Fatma, A genetic toolbox for metabolic engineering of nonconventional yeast. US Patent, 2020, 17/180,7412. Z. Shao, M. Cao, M. Suastegui, M. Gao. Methods and compositions for production of aromatic and other compounds in yeast. US Patent, 2019, 16/019,8223. 宋存江,李保宾,王淑芳,李强,耿伟涛,曹名锋等,一株具有解磷作用的枯草芽孢杆菌及其应用,国际/中国发明专利,2012, WO 2012058835/CN1020612734. 王淑芳,胡玉彬,洪彦航,曹名锋等,一种聚谷氨酸水凝胶的制备方法,中国发明专利,2011,CN101891954.5. 宋存江,杜阳,曹名锋等,一株γ-聚谷氨酸合成菌及其发酵方法,中国发明专利,2011,CN1022065976. 宋存江,苏文萍,曹名锋等,一株葡糖醋杆菌及其应用,中国发明专利,2009,CN1015916267. 宋存江,郭文斌,王淑芳,曹名锋等,门多萨假单胞菌NK-01用于生产褐藻寡糖的用途和方法,中国发明专利,2009,CN1015555058. 宋存江,刘莉,王淑芳,曹名锋等,一株谷氨酸非依赖型γ-聚谷氨酸合成菌及其发酵方法,中国发明专利,2008,CN101508962获奖情况:2021 厦门大学南强青年拔尖人才支持计划(A类)